Famous Figures

Learn about some of the more notable figures of the Nightmare Fair era.

The Spike Witch

The Spike Witch

Perhaps the most well-known denizen of the Nightmare Fair, the Spike Witch has come to serve as its unofficial mascot. A self-described master of the joints of connection between all matter and energy, the Spike Witch had a major influence on events within the fair time and time again…


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Bertrand the Beaver King

Bertrand the Beaver King

Bertrand the Beaver King, a legendary figure shrouded in both myth and majesty, holds a prominent place in the annals of the animal kingdom, his towering stature and indomitable spirit elevating him to a position of revered leadership among his kin…


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The Snake Witch

The Snake Witch

Lady Obaki Hebihime, commonly known as the Snake Witch, typically resided deep within the forests of Genzai. There she perfected the art of what she called “venom magic”, and became the bane of the entire nation. She is considered by many to be perhaps the most insidious Witch to ever live…


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Cassandra Blythe, AKA “Kassandra”, was an imposing physical presence at the Nightmare Fairs and beyond. She funded the creation and development of multiple powerful Mechs using her personal fortune, and was often called upon in times of great need….


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More famous figures coming soon…